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Thursday, January 31, 2008
| for the love of many; 6:59 PM

to the delight of many
its friday!
are you excited?
i am!
cause the weekends are here baby!

school tomorrow is lame
go for two hours and then home
just to see project results and hear this tutor yak his way about his trips to overseas.
boooring. . .

excel test today was a breeze
luckily i was given the yellow question paper
it was so easy la ( HL sia)
compared to my other classmates who had another paper
heard the other paper was tough and challenging
hoping that maybe i can get at least a B+ for the overall?

exams in about two weeks time
mugging starts now
but still
im slacking like mad
i need someone to motivate me
but the motivations dont come from people who are on holiday now
they are laughing their ass out right now as i type this post
so buzzz off aye?

HR management here i come!!!!!!

chomp chomp time

sorry. wanted to text you around 11 plus but then i forgot
omg, you must be mad at me now.

the battle starts now


Tuesday, January 29, 2008
| for the love of many; 6:51 PM

right about time to update
hoping this week pass quickly
CNY is round the corner man!
cant wait
im sure im going tobe fat lorh
sure to eat alot
right spack after that
and some of friends are already on holiday!!!
good for u la aslam!

its midweek tomorrow
got to revise for a test tomorrow
last test
on thrusday
cant wait to get it over and done
and im like still so slack
have not started studying for exams yet
i thought theres no need to rush
cause i trust in god for his guidance

dinner time
got to get started after that!

Will you stay awake for me?


Sunday, January 27, 2008
| for the love of many; 3:09 PM

a stay home sunday
as im like rushing my school stuff right now
last presentation tomorrow
cant wait
after which thrusday is the last test
and then revision week
comes CNY
cant wait for CNY
but i have to start preparing for my exams already
it comes right after the CNY
at the least we get to enjoy our CNY

nothing much already
got to get back to where im suppose to be
my work!

I grabbed a pen and an old napkin


Friday, January 25, 2008
| for the love of many; 11:16 PM

its friday!
the day i have been waiting for
the busy week has come to a halt
like finallllllyyyy!
still got another one on monday!
wa leu
i cant believe it la

so i shall not talk about the whole entire week
due to the recent australian open
i meant tennis if some of u are n00b!
world no 1 federer lost to Djokovic today
i was already expecting such result
my friend was so upset
cheer up! (=
sharapova will win her finals match tomorrow
dont ask me about the recent craze for tennis
im just lovin it

Tell me, tell me


Monday, January 21, 2008
| for the love of many; 10:53 PM

a new week
marks a new beginning
kinda looking forward to the weekends
or rather the end of the semester.

been kept up with projects and assignments though
hardly had the time to do things i wanted
and i must
im tired la
no idea why

presentations on thrusday and friday
hope this week gets pass quickly
and then left with yet another presentation followed by an IT test
moving on
revision lectures
to CNY
finally exams
and then the long waited holidays

i was chatting with aslam on msn earlier
he loathe people who type words using emotions
so i had to type it differently whenever i chat with him
still he knows la
and i kinda agree with him on wad he said (=

and then it was md noh's turn
fascinating as it seems
he was listening to the same songs as i did can
i was kinda surprise he do listen to the great escape by boys like girls
i doubt such band is to his liking though

8am class tomorrow morning
better catch some sleep

O's Result Out This Thrusday!

Sunday, January 20, 2008
| for the love of many; 5:38 PM

the bundles of joy
my two cute little cousins
seeing them
will naturally put a smile on my face

swimming session was awesome
though the rain wanted to threaten
thank god!
dinner at united square
then we had ice cream later on
chit chatted with my aunts and uncles before heading home

as usual
i went to church
then to ikea for lunch
kinda missed the place
haven been there for quite a while

been stuck with this long stats tutorial
getting on my nerves
back to where im suppose to

I'm only up when you're not down


Saturday, January 19, 2008
| for the love of many; 4:01 PM

weekends are here!
i think the week will be damn busy la
in any case
i hope the week begininng of the 21st will pass quickly!
okie dokie

Thursday, January 17, 2008
| for the love of many; 9:54 PM

what a day

i finally realise the importance of projects

if i have a choice

i would rather choose to have more projects then to exams/tests

scoring for projects is very easy

however the weightage is always low

i had a group project which scores a 43/50

one of the top ten in class

its like an A can

and since i didnt do well for my test,

i only manged a 28/40 for overall combi

wa leu

i kinda regret though

reminders of no Ds are always in my mind


so starting on a project whic will be due next friday

how awesome is that

last min man


no choice leh

so many things on

i reckon next week would be worst!!!

2 presentations in one week

like oh man

and then mon another prsentation


im so going to drop soon.


i'm lovin it!

smelling the weekends liao

are you?

Please don’t tell me that I'm the only one that’s vulnerable


Wednesday, January 16, 2008
| for the love of many; 9:50 PM

relieved is the word i must say
no more tests till like end of this month?
and 2 more projects on hand currently
i must say
next week would be the busiest week
2 presentations
thrus and fri
and then the following mon again
but on the lighter note
no more projects till next year!

managed to find out my Access test marks
i wasnt surprise what i have gotten though
because i know thats the best i can do
brighter note was
i pass la
i wasnt confident of passing it though
but still i did

long day tomorrow
before another start of a project which is due on next friday
kindas last min as this week we had two tests
but now,
its finaaaallly over!!

Currently Listening to Matt White - Best Days

Every time I look at you
You always look so beautiful
Driving on the road again the Chevy’s packed
And it is dusk
And I will take some photographs
So I can dream of you
Can’t say I’ve felt such twisting
In my heart this way we pitch a tent & have one sleeping bag
To stay away
Fires burning , softly singing songs
So close to you
Do you believe in love at first sight?
I think you do, we're lying naked under the covers
Those are the best days of my life

The mutual attraction

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
| for the love of many; 4:00 PM

so now it rains
the mood to sleep comes straight in
one test down
one more to go
and then i can solely concentrate on projects

felt kinda upset that my test earlier on was like a lil bit messy?
cause i mix up the dates
and its about accounting anyway
so i wonder i will get an A for the test itself
for the previous test
i got a B
and being the module rap
the tcher sort of like commented that she was expecting an A from me
from i gotten a B
i wanted to prove her wrong that i will show her an A for this test
looks like its dashed man
okay whatever
mayb i will solely pull up my marks for eyo exam.

i set a target for myself for the eyo exams
that is
im hoping for all As , Bs and Cs
but no Ds
looks like its attainable!
i will definitely do it
so i could also enter year 2 with the desired course i always wanted
which is HR Management

Aslam exams are like eom
and he asked me on msn if its possible that he gatecrash my lecture after his exams
he wants to see the business girls la
omg u!
lustful sia!

okie dokie
got to go study for STATS!
im going to ACED this test



Monday, January 14, 2008
| for the love of many; 6:58 PM

its a cooling monday
though i must admit that the rain has dampen my mood
i shall not blog too long though
i have got a test to study on

have an awesome week ahead people!


Sunday, January 13, 2008
| for the love of many; 1:55 PM

i did a get to know yourself better quiz
and below is the end result

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

i agree readily that all these are so so true
if you think that most of them are not true

Currently Listeninig to Boys Like Girls - On Top Of The World

Cause all the roads they lead to where you are
And all the streetlights shine like they were stars
That's where you are

Let's spend tonight on top of the world
And we can do anything
We can be anything
I'll meet you tonight on top of the world

As real as it seems


Saturday, January 12, 2008
| for the love of many; 1:54 PM

it was kinda funny
i was in a bus
and then theres this little girl who was sitting next to me
she was like dozing off
and then
she lean towards my side
i wanted to siam la
but she also damn cute
she quickly shift herself back to her normal position
and this happen a couple f time
she alighted the same bustop as i am

bright and sunny saturday
just what i have wanted
thanks god
so im like at home trying my best to focus and study
but to no avail la
dont know what seems to be distracting me
but i hope i will at least know something before i go swimming

for those who are at home and studying
you are not alone.

i doubt i will have the time to blog tomorrow
may want to study harder for upcoming tests!
i think
i was kinda emo yesterday night
no idea why
but SAM will know why.

Currently Listening to Natasha Bedingfield - Not Givin' Up

How can I stay mad with you?
When I’m so in love with you

I don’t know what we argue about
When all we do is scream and shout
I still believe in our love right now
And its gonna work out some how
You and me we got common ground
I’m not giving up, no

Are you looking for a way out?
Are you looking for an exit?
It seems like all the fuss you’re making
Is a sign that you’re not quite sure

Flashes of you screening in my mind


Friday, January 11, 2008
| for the love of many; 12:05 PM

weekends are officially here
time to study real hard la
got upcoming tests on tuesday and wenesday
so bored lorh
and since today there is no school
i will be studying for both later on.
then saturday will be mostly out bah
i pray that the weather will be good on the entire saturday!

enjoyable weekend ahead guys!

this shall be a short post i guess
till then

Currently Listening to Alicia Keys - Like You'll Never See Me Again

Wise as it sounds it just doesn’t make sense


Wednesday, January 09, 2008
| for the love of many; 10:48 PM

what a day it has been
i must say im so tired today
as compared to the rest of the days
wad was worst was that tomorrow i have a make up lesson can
who in the world would come back to school for just 2hrs and leave after that
plus tomorrow is open house la
im sure most of the nyp students or should i say majority of them will not be in school?
wa leu
had thoughts of not going tomorrow initially
but being a GOOD STUDENT
i must go ma

at least friday no school

Exams period on the 18th -22nd of FEB that week
all papers in the afternoon.
im so going to feel so so sleepy la
more cheers was that
the school was sosososososososososo kind not to have our exams after CNY
which mean i can celebrate without exam worries

i dislike using the desktop la
the keyboard especially
so hard to press
*slams the keyboard*
oh no
daddy cant use tomorrow liao

Currently Listening to Natasha Bedingfield - Pocketful Of Sunshine

I got a pocket,got a pocketful of sunshine.
i got a love and i know that it's all mine.
Do what you want but your never going to break me sticks and stones are never ganna shake me.
Take me away.
Take me away.
A secret place.
A sweet escape.
Take Me away.
Take me away.
To better days.
take me away.
A hiding place.

Its not worth having


Tuesday, January 08, 2008
| for the love of many; 6:21 PM

a quick post for the current affairs of Lvin Tan Tan
so i say presentation was okay
means its okay
yes, presentation was alright la
nothing much
just its done
whas more
3 more projects left
before exams comes knocking on my door
and please
those who will be celebrating CNY
take pity on me can!
im like gonna study during that festive season la.
wa leu
i thought the timing was sort of alright for exams la
so that the long vacations are so here to stay
exam timetable will be out tomorrow la
i cant wait to see it
the reason being so that the four papers im taking will not be crammed into four straight days
that will be a killer for me can.

tomooooooorow is last day of school for the week
just what i needed

Currently Listening to Backstreet Boys- Helpless When She Smiles

its amazing


Monday, January 07, 2008
| for the love of many; 8:56 PM

a new weeks
marks 3 days in school
after tomorrow
i will be enjoying my extended weekends
sad to say
i still cant really enjoy la
got so many things on hand now
so jialat can
still not sure if going back to school on thrus
may have a project meeting
but i think most likely not la
all sure so sian to come back

tomorrow is another presentation
must wear formal sia
sian man
lucky school end early
but aiya
got to stay back for project leh

may u guys enjoy your week yo!

Currently Listening to Jordin Sparks - Worth The Wait

If I fall
If I break
If I lose myself in someone
If I give all I am it'll be with you
When I'm ready to take
All that you want me to give
It will be worth the wait
Worth the wait
It will be worth the wait

My heart
I wanna save it for you
Don't want it broken into pieces
I need myself to reverse
And could we just sit and talk a while
Just wanna see you smile
Feel your sunlight
Shining over me

Worth all the long nights dreaming of forever
Someday we will be together
I know it will have been so worth the wait
Please wait for me

Someday we will be together


Sunday, January 06, 2008
| for the love of many; 3:45 PM

woke up pretty late this morning
did not went for service till like 11am
no idea why
but i fell asleep at 2 plus to 3 i think
must be my mind filled with thoughts of everything

so came home
did nothing much but marketing project lorh
i need to exercise la
so im going to my aunt place later for a swim again later at 5

school starts tomorrow
brighter note was
no school on thurs and fri
*jumps for joy
due to poly open house
u guys might think who in the world would a poly close school just for open house
oh wait
i am hearing all your complains and felt your jealousy
plus, no make up class so far leh
uh, no idea though
must check
*hopping for no make up lessons*

exam timetable out next wednesday i think.
wa leu!

Currently Reading " Eat , Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Glibert

Currently Listening to Nick Lachey- Ordinary Day

I wish I could tell you
the things I never got the chance to
I wish I was with you now
to see you smile again
I wish we had more time
but time goes by so fast

The moment comes and
Then the moment passes by
In the blink of an eye

And If I had one wish
I Wouldn't ask for money
I wouldn't ask for fame
I wouldn't ask for the power to
make this world change
If i could have one thing
that one thing that I would chose
is one more ordinary day with you
With you

I wish I could see you
and be there where my arms could reach you
i wish I could let you know
how much you touch my life
maybe a little time is all the time we get
The Words we long to say are words that go unsaid
you can go back again

But if I had one wish
I Wouldn't ask for money
I wouldn't ask for fame
I wouldn't ask for the power to
make this world change
If i could have one thing
that one thing that I would chose
is one more ordinary day
With you

I wish we had more time
Time goes by so fast
The moment comes and
Then the moment passes by
In the blink of an eye

But if I had one wish
I Wouldn't ask for money
I wouldn't ask for fame
I wouldn't ask for the power to
make this world change, no
If i could have one thing
that one thing that I would chose
is one more ordinary day
Just one more ordinary day with you
with you

I wish we had more time
Time goes by so fast
The moment comes and
Then the moment passes by
In the blink of an eye

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Saturday, January 05, 2008
| for the love of many; 11:07 AM

its saturday liao
the much awaited weekendsare here
more complains la
weekends are shortlived
more projects to settle
one due on tuesday
and stilll got some part not done up yet
so weekends are for doing up and settling school work.

on the brighter note
swimming at aunt house is a must for me every satuday la
if not when year 3
sure fail NAFA leh

a funny video to share here!
go watch it yeah
to destress! HAHa

i guess that is all about it.
enoy weekends while it last!

Currently Listening to Fergie- Finally

Finally Lyrics
Ever since I was a baby girl I had a dream
Cinderella theme, crazy as it seems
Always knew that deep inside
That there would come that day. But I would have to wait
Make so many mistakes
I couldn't comprehend as I watched it unfold
This classic story told
I left it in the cold
Walking through unopened doors that led me back to you
Each on unlocking more of the truth
I finally stopped tripping on my youth
I finally got lost inside of you
I finally know I needed to grow And finally my mate has set my soul
Finally now my destiny can begin
Though we will have our differences
Something strange and new is happening
Finally now my life doesn't seem so bad
It's the best that I've ever had
Give my love to him finally
Verse 2
I remember the beginning
You already knew
I acted like a fool
Just trying to be cool

Frontin like it didn't matter
I just ran away
Put on another face
Was lost in my own space
Found what it was like to hurt selfishly
Scared to give up me, afraid to just believe
I was in a jealous insecure pathetic place
Stumbled through the mess that I had made
Finally got out of my own way
I finally start living for today
I finally know I needed to grow
And finally my mate has met my soul
Finally now my destiny can begin Though we will have our differences
Something strange and new is happening
Finally now my life doesn't seem so bad
It's the best that I've ever had
Give my love to him finally
Finally now my destiny can begin
Though we will have our differences
Something beautiful is happening
Finally now my life doesn't seem so bad
It's the best that I've ever had
Give my love to him finally

Something strange and new is happening


Friday, January 04, 2008
| for the love of many; 7:58 AM

i was at my dashboard when i realised my wireless network went to a swtich off mode without me knowing
but, i take it that its a sign that it was time for bed anyway.
after a long day for the past two days
i cant hide my joy that the weekends are officially here
i have a habit of looking forward to occasions or ordinary days
this way i know that time past faster though it can be very slow la.

more joy was that this month would be officially last month of year one semester 2 in poly
how time flies
after graduating from secondary school
went into a new environment, new friends and many more
and now im actually moving on to year 2.
it has been a while where everyone are rushing their projects,assignments etc
and now
the big tests starts now
exams are like next month
and i can rest and play hard after the big test= HOLIDAYS!!!!
funny as it seems
i doubt during that one month break
i will be able to go overseas
as poly holidays are irregular as compared to primary and secondary level.

for now
im looking forward in madrushing three more projects on hand
and this month would be a packed month
as in between many tests are coming up as well
fears of not handing up assignments on time has come into me
but i have the confident to finish this exciting race that im in now
more cheers as next thrus and friday there will be no school
its NYP's Open House!
this also meant that more time to complete more stuff or even ample time to revise for tests/exams.

before i end
birthdays that falls on fridays are not so bad after all lorh.

Currently Listening to
Jonas Brothers - When You Look Me In The Eyes

I catch a glimpse of heaven


Wednesday, January 02, 2008
| for the love of many; 8:10 AM

first post of 2008
i must say that though there are 3 days of school this week, i felt a little cranky already
maybe i still do need a longer break
such things occur everytime
i just had to deal with it
to rub salt in
school will end at 6pm today
what was even more frustrating was
i had to prepared for my presentation tomorrow tonight when i reach home
i am so going to drop dead
and its formal wear for tomorrow
i hate to wear formal wear on a thrusday
and lessons will end at 5 the following day
2 long days
3 days of school
friday is a must to come early to prepare for tuesday presentation for marketing
PPT yet to be done
report almost done
plus printing
and more complains!
i so look forward to exams starts
work hard for it
and then play hard
Praying hard that time will go faster

what lies ahead


Welcome to in-lieu-of-this-song.blogspot.com


pcps, beatty sec, nanyang poly




looking for a GIRLFRIEND

yearns to have an IPOD

goes gaga over EMMA WATSON

& i wish i could have YOU

nothing to prove, nothing to LOSE


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Sam Koh
Lay Ying
Yue Ting
Shi Pei


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