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Saturday, June 30, 2007
| for the love of many; 12:46 PM

when a girl is angry
dont ask her whats wrong
think of the reason yourself
a girl does not like to say the reason

when you see a girl
glancing at you,
she wants you to look back and smile

when a girl bumps into your arm
while walking with you
she wants you to hold her hand

when she wants a hug
she will just stand there

when you break a girl's heart
she still feels it
you run into each other 3 years later

when a girl is quiet
million things are running through her mind

when the girl is not arguing
she is thinking deeply

when a girl looks at you
with eyes full of questions
she is wondering how long you will be around

when a girl answers. "im fine," after a few seconds
she is not at all fine

when a girl stares at you
she is wondering why are you playing games

when a girl lays her head on your chest
she is wishing for you to be hers forever

when a girl says she cant live without you
she has made up her mind that you are her future

when a girl says, "i miss you"
no one in this world can miss you more than that

when a girl is mean to you after a breakup
she wants you back
but she is scared that she will be hurt again
and knows you are gone forever

{creditd to joanna}

so what say you?
my fellow guy friends,dudes and mates?

i totally agree with this!

tests and projects next week
how boring!

its going to be a relaxing day for me
going to have a swim later with my cousins at my aunt's house

Girl I care 'bout you
I'm there for you
So why don't you care for me
Like I care 'bout you~

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Friday, June 29, 2007
| for the love of many; 5:33 PM

guess what?

i watch Transformers today with my classmates! ( Din ,pk,panda,glenn,penguin and donkey)

we had four hours off due to no tutorial lesson

{cher, for once i love you to the bits man}

so we cecided to catch a movie!


and i think the movie was awesome!



damn sexy and HOT MAN

but in real life

like eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


next up

Goal 2


Harry Potter

i so cant wait

so, who wants to join me?


Throw it away; Forget yesterday


Thursday, June 28, 2007
| for the love of many; 2:35 PM

its thrusday
this meant that after tml
weekends have arrived
i always look forward to the weekends
even though its quite a short one.

got back ICA for ORAL COMM
i still got a B lehs
im actually aiming for an A
but my marks out of 50 improved la
got 37.5
at least this is something that can help to spur me on
to work even harder
to attain the A i wanted

Every girl dreams that one day she will find a guy that does these things for her.
even the smallest action can have the BIGGEST impact in someones life.

• give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in.
• leave her cute text notes.•
kiss her in front of your friends.
• tell her she looks beautiful.
• look into her eyes when you talk to her.
• let her mess with your hair.
• touch her hair.
• just walk around with her.
• FORGIVE her for her MISTAKES.
• look at her like she's the only girl you see
• tickle her even when she says stop.
• hold her hand when you're around your friends.
• when she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her.
• let her fall asleep in your arms.
• get her mad, then kiss her.
• stay on the phone with her even if shes not saying anything
• tease her and let her tease you back.
• stay up all night with her when she's sick.
• watch her favorite movie with her.
• give her the world.
• let her wear your clothes.
• when she's sad, hang out with her.
• let her know she's important.
• kiss her in the pouring rain.
• when you fall in love with her, tell her.
• and when you tell her, love her like you've never loved someone before.

so girls out there
what do you think?
its just a rondom post

cause im bored leh!

lets go through this process together~


Wednesday, June 27, 2007
| for the love of many; 2:34 PM

its the mid week
how time flies
i can smell the weekends are near

got back my STATS paper today
not bad
was quite satisfied with wad i had acheived
school started at 10 again.
was rather kinda waste time though
cause after that
1pm can go home liao
plus its 2hrs of lecture and 1hr of tutorial only
so, bobian got to be present
was quite sleepy today
i supposed its due to that i could not sleep well again
why is this happening to me?!?!?!?!
perhaps im still not used to the change in my sleeping hours
so i managed to fell asleep at around 1
and this morning i just suddenly wake up at like 6 plus?
i need my beauty sleep badly!

week 15
two projects to be handed up
or rather to be presented
shit man
now week 11 liao
how are we going to complete the two projects?
must jia you liao
cant slack

this fri got POM test
next mon got WEB test
all these tests are making me crazy

i just got to work harder now.
back to mug

little by little; we will reach our mark


Tuesday, June 26, 2007
| for the love of many; 2:34 PM

my two little cousins



dont you think they are cute?

so blessed to have them as my cousins

i love them to bits

both of them just put a smile on my face even when im feeling down


today is a good day!

came back home early

school time table for this week rocks man

most of the days start at 10 and will either end at 1 or 12

with the exception of friday that is

got tests in the morning

dan no AFA tutorial

but still got lesson at 2pm till 4


from 10 to 2

so long lorhs

hope can push up the lesson

so that all of us can leave at 12


and today

i got back my econs test


i pass

20.5 / 40

but its 10% out of the overall 100%

which means i must jia you le.


will a kind soul just teach me econs?

high school musical 2

i so cant wait for the release

even though i no cable tv

i can still catch it on vcds when it is produced

v. hugens is so hot!

love her singing to bits <3


the moment for barca fans to look forward to

king henry has officially join them

and to all arsenal fans

i pity you

next season the strikeforce will be depleted


no offence to all arsenal fans

just a random post

you came and breathed new life ; into this lonely heart of mine


Monday, June 25, 2007
| for the love of many; 10:52 PM

back to school
so not used to it
and im so feeling the blues lorhs
its totally not my day
i was not my usual self
the one that makes noise and disturb my friends
one of my friend ask me wad happen
i was like nothing leh
she said i was pretty quiet today
which i have to agree
when i very tired
i tend to be very quiet
thats the typical me

i could not sleep well last night
do not know why
im so not excited for school
not excited about anything
maybe. . . . .
like so amzing

i was tired last night
and i turned in like around 2am?
which is alright to me
cause the two weeks hols
i have been turning in pretty late
so the cycle starts and will never stop
but now
i have to abjust my sleeping hours a lil
just to accomadate to my schooling timings

not much on the first day though
but tests this week and next week
almost fell asleep during lecture
but i manage to stay awake
and im like rushing to complete all my tutorials
so that my night time would be free to revise through for the upcoming tests
speaking of which
i got back my first project
guess wad?
I GOT AN A!!!!
im so elated and jovial
now my mood change to emo
cause tml we will get back our econs paper
which the teacher had said
minority pass the test
pray that its not me
im happy if i could just pass
seriously i do
will keep u guys updated

all the best in tests or exams this week! JIA YOU!

hope your knee is fine and recovering well! MISS THE KICKS! LMAO!

you were so near; but yet so far~


Sunday, June 24, 2007
| for the love of many; 11:01 PM

oh no!
the weekends went like so fast?
and its back to school for everyone.
well, maybe not everyone.
thanks arh ashok
still on holiday

lets see
going back to school tml
wad im i expecting
nothing much though
maybe a warm welcome back to school from our tutors and lecturers?
hell, no
that will never happen
its back to square one
and my poly friend just told me he finished up his tutorial for this week liao
im like so lagging behind
got to go catch up
shall do them on monday night
which means
cant go online leh

lucky me
school starts at 10am tml
which means i can sleep in for a while
well, at least for a while is good.
and the rest of the week
would be having to abjust my sleeping hours and all

back to revision
and to dreamland later

just wana be with you~


Saturday, June 23, 2007
| for the love of many; 12:25 PM

the weekends are here.
and its time to play play play.
not really
i still got to revise for ICAs next week
and i was like reading through nia for the past two weeks of this hoilday?

more complains
will somebody be a genius to produced a medication
so that i can dont go to school for another week?
all i asked is to slck for another week
i will love you for creating such medication
i must be dreaming but seriously,
i so dont want to go school.
even though i miss my frenx at poly
am i in the right state of mind?
i actually do miss my poly friends
i will miss my sec school frenx lorhs.
i so dont want to go back to school because
i am going to lose my beauty sleep
had to do all those tutorials again when school starts
the upcoming projects
i so cant wait for my exams to end
move on to year 2
and enjoy the long long hoildays!
that will be great man.

its a saturday
lets see
what i should do
i should read up my modules tonight
yes. all of them
in case
i go back school
so blur
dono what cher is teaching or talking about.
and i shall spend my afternoons out and about
maybe to have a swim at aunty's place
then have dinner with them
before heading home to start reading up till like maybe 1 or 2 in the morning?
sounds a great plan
shall stick to it
no more procrastination.

nothing to prove; nothing to lose


Friday, June 22, 2007
| for the love of many; 2:23 PM

just a random chat with elizabeth in the wee hours of the morning.

as an owl, naturally will be awake la


took a look at our drawings

especially the smileys


we were so lame at doing this..

surf up!

who wants to catch it with me?

like omg

i have been watching a couple of movies lately

still waiting for harry potter to come out

but have to wait till 12 july i think

will be out till late night

and i guess i will not be using the com till like tml?

so enjoy your day people

i'm amazed and you are the reason why~


Thursday, June 21, 2007
| for the love of many; 10:31 PM

thereee, the woman herself


the teen who stares as nancy drew

not bad looking afterall.


nah, not falling for her

her acting skills were not bad lorh

so, today i brought a bunch of people out with me today

actually, they are my cousins laa

we went to j8 to catch the movie lorh.

so we entered the hall

found our seats

wait for show to begin

sat in between my cousins

so in the end had to pass around the nachos chips with cheeseee and popcorn around

so my cousin issaac sat next to me, spoke loudly wanting the nanchos cheeseee

so i had to tell him to queiten down

wads worse was he was constantly making noises even when the movie starts lorhs

i am so embarrass laa

okay, so when the food all gone

all settled down

then came he saying wanting to go to the loo

i somewhat ignored him laa

cause i do not love to be disturbed in the midst of the movie just to go to the loo

he went with his sister in the end.

shows ended

they wanted to take neos

finshed the first one

begged me for another time

i gave in

so in the end, spent about 18 bucks on neos?

gosh, im so broke now.


but overall, i do enjoy my time with them

though im their nanny for them today.

they are a bunch lovely people!


and i saw melissa today


could not even recognise her la.

her hair was totally different

and she looks awesome and HOTTIEE!


one more time; thanks for the memories


Wednesday, June 20, 2007
| for the love of many; 11:15 PM

yesterday late afternoon
went out with cousins to J8
in the end
we watched Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Sliver Surfer
it was awesome i must say
filled with action pack and also love.
my cousin isaac was quite afraid when a certain scene was on
i could not remember though which part
he was hiding behind seats
it was hilarious!

what a day it has been for me
i was stucked at home in the morning
initially, was supposed to meet up with poly classmates to catch surf up
but in the end i could not make it
sorry donkeyy
i know you must have put in the effort to organise our first meeting bah?
i had to help my grandmother to bring my grandfather to the chinese physician
and she called me a few times cause i was late.
and when i reached there
my grandfather was like asking me
"why now than come? so late also dont want to tell people"(spoken in dialect of course)
he was pissed i tell you.
anyhows, im so sorry grandfather.

tomorrow it will be a busy day
first up
to the hospital
grandfather check up at 10.30
how am i going to wake up that early?
ever since the 2 weeks break started
i have been having irregular sleeping hours.

its fun time again with cousins tomorrow as well
going to J8
oh please
you must be wondering if J8 is currently my favorite hang out
but you are totally wrong
its just that my cousins love to go there
to watch movie of course
Nancy Drew tomorrow
and im a nanny for tomorrow as well
will have to bring all of them there
oh boy
how am i to handle such playful cousins of mine?

okay, im off to supper
then to dreamland.

thes unsound tales remains~


Tuesday, June 19, 2007
| for the love of many; 11:09 AM

this shall be a random post.
and my 100 post.
like finally!
late last night
i was so pissed off with my dad.
he started his "thing" again.
and when he start his "thing"
it will never be a good night for me.
he can just go on and on
rattling to himself like i care
sometimes, i really hate him for doing this.
so what if we did something wrong and he do not know anything about it?
its no big deal
he loves to incur my wrath.
spouting vulgaraties in the air
assuming like we do not know what he is saying.
as he went on and on.
talking about the past mistakes that we have done
saying that we are never appreciative of what he has done for the family
i dont know why, but he loves to talk about the past
bringing back all the sad memories
one thing i will never forget in my life
On a random day
came back late from school( i was still a beattyian)
he asked me why i was late.
told him i was helping my friend with something.
he doesnt believe me.
went into the kitchen
to my horror
he was holding a knife or a chopper.(cant remember which one)
he came over to me
pointed near my stomach area
he asked me
"you want to die right?dont want obey me!"
at that time
my mum and sister were about to leave the house.
i was so scared at that moment
i wished they would stay to help me in this mess
however, before my mum left
he told my dad
"anything happen to him, i will divorce u immediately"
her words give me hope though.
and the rest is history
shall not elaborate further.
the more i elaborate
the more i want to to turn emo and tear.
and he has diffrent mood everyday
at one point of time, he can be joking with u
next, he could me screaming and shouting at the top of his lungs at you.
the hidden identities, yet to be known and uncovered.
i really want to get to know him deeper
i tried my very best
but still you were not open to me
why is this so?to me, in the eyes of him
i can consider myself as the blacksheep of the family
give me a chance daddy
to get to know you more
despite all the scoldings and rants
i still love you
yes i do
like wad w learn from the bible,
honour your father and your mother
my dad; just like a chamelon who change its color
the many identities in him will never be uncovered.
i feel so much better now.
after typing out here.
it will be a good day for me.
going out with cousins later in the afternoon.
i wished that you will always be here for me~


Sunday, June 17, 2007
| for the love of many; 5:03 PM

be it alien or ghost
all happy fathers day to you laa.

woke up very early today.
decide to go to church in the morning instead of the afternoon one.
then had late breakfast lorhs
my stomach is like rumbling now.
need to grab a bite!

came home did somework
supposely to celebrate fathers day together with my aunt
but i do not know why
my mother dont seem interested.
shes like so laid back during weekends.
or prolly it could be because she do want to miss her favourite show on channel 8 today.
so later, i got to go buy food
and we will head down to my grandmother's place to have dinner there
wonder my mum will be there.

its my last week of hols.
i so dont want go back to school
miss those days where i laze around at home doing nothing much during the three month long break
plus, dont remind me of school work, ICAS or worst , projects!!!!

that sums up a boring sunday for me.

its real; thats for sure. but why is it an infatuation to you?


Saturday, June 16, 2007
| for the love of many; 4:10 PM


first day
my aunt came to pick me up around 12 plus
and we are on our way to chalet
took a detour to grandma house as my aunt need to take something from there
and then we were back on track again
so we reached there
went to check in
but then the rooms allocated to us were not right
we were supposed to shift out of our room the second day and move to anothere room
i mean its like so ridiculous
so my aunt argued and all
till the manager had to be called
eventually, same rooms for the two nights.
went for lunch as rooms were not ready.
after lunch, rooms ready
checked in
then cousins wanted to swim
i did not follow, decided to stay in the room alone.
did not expect that i fell asleep.
so bored lorh
but nvm
got company via sms thanks to her (:
after that dinner lorhs
on the way to reastaurant,
then my cousins were like posing me questions such as
whats her name?
your girlfriend ar?
my aunt also ask me
cause she say donkeyy saw me and jumped in front of me ma.
i was like, no lorhs.
just besties.LOL
my dad, sis and bro suppose to join me
but in e end,
bro came over nia
we had the rooms to ourselves

second day
suppose to go wild wild wet early in the morning
but then the rain came and halted our plans.
anyhows, we woke up late, all of us, so went for bfast first and monitor the weather lorhs
slept at 3am the day before.
must be thinking of something that i could not sleep that night.
eventually rain stopped
thank god
went in around noon time
came out around 4 plus
headed to the chalet swimming pool instead.
got burnt all over
especially my shoulders and body
burning hot lorhs.
cant lie down properly
bro brought dvds
so we watched High School Musical twice
and ROB-b hood
thats shows how boring we are.
but then nv get her any presents.
she treated us all to a meal instead.
im like so guity lorh like what SHE(her) said.
in the end, the whole family slept in the SMALL chalet room.

checked out at 10 today
im like so tired lorhs
still feeling damn hot and uncomfortable cause of the burnt.
but im supposed to do my school work
cause i was motivated by her (:
thanks wor.

will you stick with me through wadever; or run away?

Labels: ,

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
| for the love of many; 11:47 PM

just got back from church
what a long journey back home.
as i was on the way home
i ponder about what has been going through in the past few days in my life
i realise i have not been doing much about my school work
let alone read through about anything except for the newspapers that is.
so i must set aside time to actually do something about this.
maybe next week?
this week past quite slowly
however, i wild my time away.

as usual
as the day past by
its time to bid goodnight
but wait,
yet to blog how my boring day was.

woke up damn early today
cause need to help bring my ah gong to hospital for a check on his BP
see, filial right
just like aslam, who went to visit his grandmother today.
surprisely, the whole thing end quite early
and there was time for me to have bfast
so my uncle brought me and my bro to delifrance for bfast
its my first time there having bfast
and i must sae that the bfast they served is urber nice lorhs.
and not that pricey too
then head home after that
as usual, no life laa at home
hog ont he com almost the whole day.
its been a routine liao

aight folks.
i will not be blogging for three days starting from tomorrow.
i will be at chalet lorhs
which i think i will enjoy a teeny weeny bit laa.
cause im going to miss using my com
my dad didnt want me to bring
scared lost ma.
thanks ar daddy.

im lost without you~


Tuesday, June 12, 2007
| for the love of many; 11:15 PM

second day of my 1st week of hols


the clock go





this is how the time past

steady as it goes

slow motion seh.


day was not okay

went down to the modem center today

wanted the doctor to see if my modem is sick


not sick leh

like wa leu

waste my money on transportation

then nvm

call the hotline for the technician to check my house phone lines

but no problem leh

wa leu

just what is wrong?

still so clueless over the whole problem.

dinner at secret recipe


now im growing liao


got to abstain from food soon

im so love with the the cakes there!


got to wake up early tomorrow

ah gong going to hospital for a check

so, em helping out

at night got church

so i guess will come home to use com around like 10 plus?

chalet with cousins at downtown
cant wait
here i come

im touched.


Monday, June 11, 2007
| for the love of many; 5:56 PM

guess what?
i hate my modem lorhs.
it took hours for the modem to get me connected to the internet
like pfft!
so boring lorhs.
think i should just let the modem be on for the rest of the week
so that it will not encounter any problems anymore.
seriously, 2wire modem sucks laa.
the DSL keep blinking and the internet sign dont even appear of stablise itself.

its home all day long.
done the housework
played some lame games almost the whole day
and i did nothing concrete lorhs
i think after dinner i must start to do something concrete
then will use the com thereafter.
till now
i realise i cant live without my lappy.

sanjib says he may not come back to singapore to visit us during his hols.
and he got himself a new boots lorhs
nice and cheap too
a genuine product as well
hope he enjoy school tomorrow!.

okie dokie
been on the com for the past few hours
time for my lappy to take a rest.

will you ask me to stay when i want to go?~


Sunday, June 10, 2007
| for the love of many; 11:35 PM

so, what makes a holiday worthwhile to wait for?
dont know why
but, i kinda look forward to terms breaks or even longer breaks
though term breaks maybe short
i still look forward to it
it means we do not have to wake up so early for school
no lectures
no tutorials
additionally to that, no PROJECTS!

Contradicting to wad i say
in the end,
we were SUPPOSED to spent our term break to revisefor ICAs
given projects to be presented when school reopens
tutorials to be completed
seriously, i wonder.
are term breaks meant for us or for school work?
have i been complaining about it lately?
my apologies.

so, as most of us would agree that during holidays
dont know what to do
slacking all day
basically, nothing concrete.
it means, life seems meaningless when it comes to a long break
or perhaps, some would have plans for everyday
still, many will be bored.
now, who beg to differ?

its monday tomorrow
mummy wants me and brother to do housework
a day wasted
meaningful meh?

p.s- get well soon bath queen! HAHA! Dont let the flu bug harm you again! TAke Care Plenty! (=

fragrance of joy~


Saturday, June 09, 2007
| for the love of many; 6:56 PM

im so sorry
i feel so bad
that i triggered your emotions
maybe i was just too busybody over your business
or i should not have ask muched about it
feeling so apologetic now.
sorry seems to be the hardest word`

| for the love of many; 1:01 AM

a little less sixteen
a little more touch me
and yes
i know its a lil late
but i guess, its alright for you?

i am officially on hiatus
well, not exactly
holidays are finally here.
the moaning and the groaning was meant for my upcoming projects when school begans
to rub salt in
after the last week of holiday
i got a management ICA!!
im sure, and 100 percent guarantee FAIL!

lets not talk about school work shall we?
i just want to enjoy this peaceful break
but, i did plan what i wanted to do though
and dont be surprise people
i actually included revision for all my modules that i am taking currently.
would you believe it?
i am like so on tasked lately
oh no
i think its both a good and a bad sign?

who bothers.
shall take my mind off achool work

past few days pass pretty fast.
with thrus days being the highlighted day for me
he left us to melbourne
he left us on an empty pitch
he left us with fond memories
he left us with deep impression of himself
overall, he left us with his endless jokes that will always be remembered in my heart.
the man himself
all the best!
hope to see you coming back soon. (:

its 1am now
and lately,
my memory is failing me.
its like i had forgotten some of my friends birthday
my SINCERE apologies.

let us watch the sky; as we sing lullabys

Tuesday, June 05, 2007
| for the love of many; 8:10 AM

its tuesday again
but baby i dont care
cause when im in school
im so hate it alright.

who would be insane to come school so early to do tutorial?
well, me lorhs
i dono why
but i have been up early recently
maybe because theres breakfast with mummy?

once again
projects yet to be done before term break
and my team memebers got two of them like so not on task lorhs
so damn lazy
regreted joining them
always throw work to people
then only know how to talk cock or argue with one anothere.
i hope by today, we will complete the damn thing
so i will not face them yet again
better still
its somehow my last group project with them
now im happy.

i miss watching movies
yet to make used of my free movie tickets to go catch some great movies
im waiting for fantastic four to come out
and also harry potter
watch shrek 3 liao
not bad lah
provide the much needed humour at times.
will watch it again with my cousins during chalet
and YES!
WWW- here i come!

thrusday would be a farewell for sanjib
im emo le
and i may have to go there in formal wear
which i think i will look damn weird lorhs.
then after that maybe meet hui to get her precious mcfly CD!
but dont know whether she can anot
yesterday night wanted to go meet
at around 11 plus i think
but she dont want let me come
and besides, i do not know about her home address.
wa seh.
you are lucky
if i know, you pay for my fare to your home liao.

right about now
got to do my tutorial.
check in here soon.
and yes
sister cheong is sick
so get well soon aight! (=
take care plenty

let me reciprocate the love~

Sunday, June 03, 2007
| for the love of many; 2:31 PM

sadly, the weekends are coming to a halt
but on the brighter note, my holidays are round the corner
the week begins tomorrow.
i so cant wait
now, how many times i repeated that?

three things to complete before i can enyjoy my holiday in peace
1) POM project( need to complete before all of us go for our hols as when school starts, presentation and ICA due)
2) STATS SPSS project ( got to complete the report before wednesday so got time to start on POM ma)
3) Informative speech( got to write out the speech lastest by wednesday)

so you see people,
even the tutors dont spare us.

went to the airport for dinner yesterday.
met md noh there.
surprise surprise
went for dinner before my cousin arrived home safely from shanghai.

dinner with the gang
its to hang out with sanjib as he will be leaving on thrusday for his studies.
im goingt to miss him
well, not exactly
i should say
miss his jokes
miss his craps
miss his presence on the football pitch
man, why get emo?

i love you anyway

Welcome to in-lieu-of-this-song.blogspot.com


pcps, beatty sec, nanyang poly




looking for a GIRLFRIEND

yearns to have an IPOD

goes gaga over EMMA WATSON

& i wish i could have YOU

nothing to prove, nothing to LOSE


Hui Hui
Phui Shan
Sam Koh
Lay Ying
Yue Ting
Shi Pei


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