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Sunday, April 29, 2007
| for the love of many; 11:42 PM

look at the time now. its monday already.
i got school at 10

the past few days have been alright for me.
shall not elaborate further in case i bored you readers.
so i am back to blogging wiith a new URL
all thanks to my brother.
was preparing my quiz for tomorrow
an di expext another quiz again from IT
i am sure of it.
this IT teacher only teach and read it to us from her slides
word for word
you are a grad
and u still teach us by reading to us from the slides?
we got eyes laa.
and i do not know why
i began to dislike this module somehow.
oh wells.
its compulsory
what can i do?
cant help it
got to hold on.
with god's help
i can!

right on
i am like so tired
shall blog again in school tomorrow.

our beloved teacher just left us.
he was called upon the lord yesterday.
i was sad
after a long battle with the illness
still the lord take him away with him to heaven
its makes me realise that i got to treasure what i have in life
and live it to the fullest.
so dear mr ho,
i pray in the name of jesus
that u rest in peace
and i miss you dearly!

im a contented guy~

Friday, April 27, 2007
| for the love of many; 5:29 PM

thank you to my favouritest, cutest, handsometest, ego maniac partner in crime ( my brother! )
for helping me with the creation of a new tagboard, changing my blog url and so on and forth.

typed by: aLfrEd

now be satisfied will you?
and stoop living in the city of delusion

Thursday, April 26, 2007
| for the love of many; 8:58 AM

i had a day of troubles last night just before i turn in.
i do not know what is the problem
but my modem is scrwed up yesterday.
i keep kena dc for no whatsoevr reasons.
its like the same old problem that has return
its like a few minutes online
the wireless satellite on my lappy turns off.
i think got more than three times i was disconnected
so fed up laa.

yesterday was alright laa.
came home after school as i do not have anything on.
so did a little bit of reading on what i was taught during lecture.
was quite sleepy though
did not sleep well the previous night.
must be thinking of certain things
or could be the air -con was too cold.

aight. blogging in school now.
lessosn starting at 10
so came early to use the internet lorhs.
cause home net got problem ma.
okie dokie
will blog again tonight

the rain came and it brighten up my day~

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
| for the love of many; 11:09 PM

took this picture at the coffee shop
my cutie little cousin
so happy to see her again
after like for a while?
i am so happy to see her again.

school was alright la
nothing much though
went home early
cuz in school got nothing to do
gonna sleep soon
tomorrow start at 8am

one of my poly friend says that i am so innocent.
do i look like one?
elizabeth says no
which i totally agree with her laa.
do not know why he said that.
say i too innocent should have a girlfriend.
but, is it necessary?
not really i think.
whatever laa.
innocent then innocent lorhs.
maybe they have not seen my the other side
which is the whacky side of me.

and gone.

you are the one~

Monday, April 23, 2007
| for the love of many; 10:56 PM

i know i have not been blogging for like three days?
its okay anyhows
because many people or rather my friends do drop by
to tag on my blog.
thanks truckloads guys.
the weekends summed up to be alright
but it past quite fast though.

the first day of week two in school.
had labb lesson
did quiz 1
mange to acheive a pass grade
but its a 8% quiz nia
which means i got 4% nia
i think quite a good start for a quiz like this.
what is worst was
the following monday,
we will have another quiz on another chapter
wa leu
this IT teacher
love to give us quizzes de

yet another day
starting at 9 and will end at 1pm.

will try to meet up with all the peeps for lunch
or hang out soon.
missing you people truckloads

soar above the eagle and fly~

Thursday, April 19, 2007
| for the love of many; 10:17 PM

wad a day it has been for me
ended school at 12 today
and i brought my lappy to configure the wireless in school
apparently, the wireless is so guai

i am having flu can
thanks to my poly classmate who pass it to me
plus my sister is having flu as well
wa leu
just took the medicine
plus two vitamin C

school will sart at 8 tomorrow
and will end at 4
after that may have to rush for cell group
what a hectic day it will be for me
we will be collecting our admission card tomorrow.

i miss you laa
now all different school le
and embarked on a new journey in education
i just miss all of you guys.
i really do hope we can catch up soon
and party all night!

i miss you so~

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
| for the love of many; 11:14 PM

what a day it has been for me
i woke up 6 plus
and i quickly do all the necessary things before my mum and i leave home
she agreed to sent me to school today
actually it was an exception.
beacuse i start school at 8am today
to early for me
and she offered to sent me
another reason was she has decided to take leave
to rest for the entire day
because she wasnt feeling that well though.

had a couple of lectures today
dont really understand a few of them.
but its okay
shall catch up reading the lecture notes in the library tomorrow.
i hope i am not procrastinating arh
plus, i yet to print out all the lecture notes that were suppose to be ready for next week's lectures
and i just remember that i yet to study for a test as well.
and also tutorial homework to do on statistical laa
wa. so busy liao.
no time for other things

starts school at 10 and will end around 12 tomorrow
but will stay back to revise evrything through again.
i am so going to catch the flu bug from my sister
the weather has been playing a fool lately

let there be light~

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
| for the love of many; 8:51 PM

its the second day of school.
more lectures and tutorials coming in le.
wa leu
so many things now laa
but at least it keeps busy for a while
and i have adjusted myself a little
i was kinda hardworking today lorhs.
read through my lecture notes.
see, i am a guai kiaa.

went to tp central to get my thumbdrive
the one i used to use was bought from china.
and i have to declare that china products are not worthy to use laa.
all the lecture notes i save inside
when plug it in and out
cant see a thing at all lorhs
so pissed.
but the one i got was much better le.

tomorrow school start at 8am
have to wake up much earlier than before
on the brighter note,
school ends at 1pm
and i do not know what to do lorhs.
thought of meeting ashok to makan
but he end at 4pm
and i do not know what to do in the meantime while waiting for him.
i shall be a guai kiaa and read up what lecture i have been in for tomorrow
or do any tutorials if any
no tutorial homework to do yet
i sense projects are coming in.
this is what poly life is all about.

shall stop here.
i need to chill for a while
take care people
hope to see all of you soon! (=

another day just gone by with a flash of light~

Monday, April 16, 2007
| for the love of many; 9:42 PM

it was my first day in school at nyp
after the very long, restless break.
i felt so weird though.
its like been a while since i stay away from school
and now i am back to school
cant really get used to it though

today was kinda alright i guess.
had three hours in the lab learning about internet applications and all.
and the time pass so fast laa.
when i am at home feeling so restless and have nothing to do,
the time just go
*10 mins later
that was how slow the time pass.
had lunch after the lab lesson
and congrats alvintanenglong
you got to study for tests next week.
first day in school
i got to prepare for a test next week.
abit funny right?

went for lunch after that
i got at least 2 hours free period
so went to get my tertiary application done
the rain came soon after though
then it was two hours of lecture of accouting in assets
oh no
i got to re-read all my poa notes all over again.
because, this lecture is all about poa once more.
wa leu
got to start reading up soon ar

tomorrow lessons will end at 1pm
same goes for wednesday as well
but wednesday lesson sarts at 8am
got to wake up even earlier laa

i was hoping that saturday
all the 5na peeps will be all free
so that we can hang out together
and catch up with one another!
hope to see you guys asap ya?
i miss all of you.

washed away~

Sunday, April 15, 2007
| for the love of many; 6:15 PM

the best day i had today

i went for service in the morning
instead of the normal service that is in the afternoon.
we had lunch at kallang
before we head down to esplanade
and we catch THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!!!
we bought the tickets online just yesterday
and manage to have the availibility of four tickets.
the ticketing price is a little bit hefty
the musical was totally awesome
a must watch for all man
it lasted about two hours
with twenty minutes of intermission.
i am so addicted to the songs
that i wanted to buy the soundtrack
but my mum said that he has the one
which she do not know whether did she misplaced it.
i hope she finds the cd soon!


the 2pm show that we went, it was totally full house (=
limited places for the 8pm show

the show that we will be catching! (=
we are since there 1pm to collect the tickets.

the four tickets!
my mum,sister,brother and me!
take a look at the price! (=
so hefty right?

a piece of fine art! (=

we are inside!
see, the seats are all filled up
fortunately, the seats we got were centralised
consider quite good for late bloomers
who bought their tickets overnight! (=

more seats upstairs (=

two of the props used during the show!
both are portable!

last but not least,
the team behind all the music!
i took this picture during the intermission
unfortunately, could not see the team's talent! (=

manchester united got into the finals of the FA Cup!
the final will be played at the new Wembley Stadium
they will either meet Blackburn Rovers or Chelsea
both teams will meet tonight.

i reckon Chelsea will go through to the final with a last minute goal.
we shall see.

school starts tomorrow.
lessons will end at 5pm for me.
wa leu.
on a higher note
lessons will commerce at 10am
means i need not wake up that early!

on cloud nine~

Saturday, April 14, 2007
| for the love of many; 1:18 PM

so its my lappy on my messy table
and i need to clear things up because
school is starting like next monday?
and i am going to popular later
to get the carrier
it shall be the same as aslam i hope?

this is my brother lappy!
dell brand
i wonder if it is a good brand.
all this pictures are not trying to divert your attention that i am rich lorhs.
if that is what you think,
then i got nothing to say le.
so if you think i am rich, i shall be rich
whatever you think
its not my problem
tag if you wish to comment on anything
i am fine with it

i just got this from popular
aslam, is this the same as yours?
i doubt so.
because this is much more expensive than yours
22 plus
fits well
just in time for school next monday!
shall be a short one

Friday, April 13, 2007
| for the love of many; 3:08 PM

school will start very soon for most of us.
why has it to be so soon?
i am so going to miss alot of people.
i am going to miss all my friends who are still studying at beatty
the teachers who have thought us over the years.
mr singh for his care to all of us
and all those whom i hang out with
i am also going to miss wearing school uniforms
the canteen food
mr boo's morning talk
and everything.
practically everything.

most of all i am going to miss some special people
who were there for me
the daily rants
the constant reminder
the long-winded nags

i just miss you all.

as we depart from here to a new journey in our lifes
we learn to let go of things which are dearly to us
fond memories that will stay in us.
lastly, the friendship we shared
will never be forgotten.

i dont know why this post is an emo post.
because i am not a emo person.

i guess the best time to let go is now~

Thursday, April 12, 2007
| for the love of many; 11:32 PM

my orientation is finally over.
today was definately the best.
we had games all day
and we were all out in the sun.
sad to say i got sun burnt
anyhows, it makes me cuter everyway.
the grand finale was awesome
we had a ms freshie and mr freshie contest
it was so fun laa.

i went to collect my pay today.
i went out at around two and came back to nyp around 4pm.
i thought i should not give the finale a miss.
so i came back lorh
after pay
wanted to ask hulk_kim wether free to go starbucks
but hes working at 5
so he could not make it.

and i am starting school on monday laa.
i will end at 5pm
which i hate it
but im so in love with thrusdays
that is because lessons will end at 12
and im so free after that
so who wana date me out??

lappy batt low.
cant blog liao
plus, tiredness in me is a killer
and i am so gonna slack all day tomorrow.

p/s- i got free movie tickets.who want please ask me politely!


Wednesday, April 11, 2007
| for the love of many; 11:18 PM

i am now blogging with half asleep eyes
so pardon me if i type wrongly

its orientation today
and i met new friends
cheers guys!
having a sore throat now
it was so so laa .

tomorrow games day
so will go
but will leave around 4pm
cause need to head down to orchard to collect my pay.

this shall be a short one.
my precious bed here i come!!

*shuts one eye

man united won 7-1 today!


Tuesday, April 10, 2007
| for the love of many; 4:08 PM

right on
its tuesday liao
so fast lorhs
the next two days will not be at home
thanks alot to my orientation.
and it starts at 8
and will end around 7 in the evening.
i mean its a waste of time la.
11 hours can do what??
now i have to abjust my sleeping timings tonight
wa, sian man.
i so dont feel like going to orientation tomorrow laa.
if i were to go tomorrow
i think i should skip thursday de.
what say me?
of cause skip man!
nobody knows
and i shall SHhhhhhhh!!

been staring at the com for the past five hours.
time to log off from my lappy
and give it a much needed rest.

i so cant wait to get my pay lorhs
jan said will be in a couple of days.
hope he email us on friday
cause that is the day that i will be free
or perhaps on the thrusday
(which i think i am skipping the orientation anyways)

this shall be a short post
for the sake of my eyes


Monday, April 09, 2007
| for the love of many; 9:02 PM

pardon my neligence to update my blog
have been pretty busy

good friday was a perfect day
we had a party
and most of my spritual family invited friends
so it was quite a crowd i must say.
i was in charge of the ice breaker games
it gone pretty well i guess.
though i think the games were not that fun
still i can see the bonding between the new comers
and not to forget i was also in charge of this
cool aye?

My saturday was kinda boring
i had to stay home e whole day
do nothing much
except had lunch with aunty family
and my mum thought of visiting my grandfather.
so we went there till about near 10
my mum and i came home
while my siblings stay there to study
the purpose of coming back is to grab my laptop
and fly to my another aunty house to install
microsoft office 2003.
i have been waiting for such a day to come.
its a hassle not to have it to my computer.
the whole process took us near midnight
i was also distracted as my aunt was watching heroes.
and my mum was getting impatient and tired
glad that my uncle lent me e whole series of the heroes
shall watch it tomorrow.

Easter Sunday
there was a healing service.
so my mum and aunt decided to bring my grandfather to church
my grandmother wasnt that pleased with the idea
because my grandma is a buddist
so naturally, my grandfather will follow the wife
but,thanks be to god
he went eventually.
he was so tired out that he said he wanted to go home
barely just a 30 mins
still, he sat throughout the service
it was joyous for me because
i am glad that i could share god's words with him

pretty busy as well
got up early morning
realised my mum had switch on my lappy
wa leu
like so early laa.
because the DSL was the main problem
but it has been alright since
then i went out in the rainy afternoon to meet my grandmother
we went to visit my grandfather who was at the day rehab.
so there
had a long ahead
kinda tired though.

orientation starts this wednesday and thrusday
wonder if i could skip the thrusday one
lazy arh
but i cant wait to link up with my new kakis
had to wait up early though
wa, sian. . .
its long post
and by then
the readers of this blog
have already gone into dreamland.
sorry laa

maybe i will know the answer soon


my lovely and cute little cousin!
she turns 1 today
Happy Birthday Jael
i manage to capture her smile.
~she was the reason why i smile~

Thursday, April 05, 2007
| for the love of many; 5:02 PM

its been a day for me
i thank my brother for changing my blog skin for me
i am so bad
only know how to blog
but all the chnges required all push to him
Thanks bits bro

i went to get my modem changed today
and its OFFICIAL
the person-in-charge
says that my modem has a little problem
so have to change
i am so elated now laa.
cant describe how i feel.
it has been fine all the while.
so keep going modem!
love you to bits for getting me
staying connected for like
1hr 23 mins plus le
im overjoyed

good friday is tomorrow.
i got an event at 3pm
and it will end at 7
and my frinds has plan to go night cycling
i do not know if my dad will allow.
because its a stay out of house outing.
besides,if i were to ask him
he will nag about the dangers and all
but still i love him!

i cant wait for my ishop pay
i do not know when jan is going to email all of us.
i hope sonner the better.
because i just promise Hulkim that once we have our pay
we shall go starbucks
(his fav hunt)
so there.
its a promise hulkim.

i am so tired
need to rest
take care people!


Wednesday, April 04, 2007
| for the love of many; 2:50 PM

this is interesting.

tell me whats the difference between this two songs.

pay attention to the lyrics!

though this two songs are sang by two different artiste.

| for the love of many; 12:10 PM

"When It Was Me"

Ooh, no
Yeah, yeah

She's got green eyes and she's 5'5"
Long brown hair all down her back
Cadillac truck
So the hell what
What's so special about that
She used to model, she's done some acting
So she weighs a buck 'o 5
And I guess she's alright if perfection is what you like

Ooh, ooh, and I'm not jealous, no I'm not
Ooh, ooh, I just want everything she's got
Ooh, ooh, you look at her so amazed
I remember way back when you used to look at me that way

Tell me what makes her so much better than me (so much better than me)
What makes her just everything that I can never be
What makes her your every dream and fantasy
Because I can remember when it was me

And now you don't feel the same
I remember you would shiver everytime I said your name
You said nothing felt as good as when you gaze into my eyes
Now you don't care I'm alive
How did we let the fire die

Ooh, ooh, and I'm not jealous, no I'm not
Ooh, ooh, I just want everything she's got
Ooh, ooh, you look at her so amazed
I remember way back when you used to look at me that way

What makes her so much better than me (so much better than me)
What makes her just everything that I can never be
What makes her your every dream and fantasy
Because I can remember when it was me

That made you smile (me)
That made you laugh (me)
Me that made you happier than you have ever been, oh me
That was your world (me)
Your perfect girl
Nothing about me has changed
That's why I'm here wondering

What makes her so much better than me (what makes her so much better than me)
What makes her just everything that I can never be
What makes her your every dream and fantasy
Because I can remember when it was me

What makes her so much better than me (what makes her so much better than me)
What makes her just everything that I can never be
What makes her your every dream and fantasy
Because I can remember when it was me

When it was me
When it was me
When it was me

the lyrics of this song is so nicee
my day was filled with frustrations again.
the wireless just could not stop disconnecting itself.
i wonder what was the real problem.
is it due to singtel side or could it be IBM fault that the wireless LAN is not working well.
man, i seriously don't know.
so troublesome if have to go to IBM service center again.

finally aslam got his lappy.
which is same as mine.
dude, ask your dad help me see his office have the lappy carrier
better to be same as yours
since we own the same lappy.
let me know soon yeah?

school orientation is next week
its in the 11th and the 12th.
and the actual school day is on the 16th.
so fast laa
my long longg holidays are going to be halted.
but also better laa.
if not stay at home hog onto the com nia
and soon i have to contribute to the electric bills
its going to explode soon!

outta here`

Tuesday, April 03, 2007
| for the love of many; 6:48 PM

rejoice in the name of the lord!
my granndfather is discharged today
so i was back at home around 3 plus
and i immediately switch on my lappy to test the wireless connection
whether it is working well

i am so amazed that after using for around one hour plus
the connection was lost
not again!
i so hate it when this happens
it just keeps me busy settling all this unimportant stuff
calling IBM or Singtel to check up what is the real problem
i was actually blacklisted.
yuk yuk
who cares.
i am their faithful caller lorhs.

so aslam
if you are reading this
please pray hard that when you receive your lappy tomorrow,
there will not be a single problem that is going to occur
and if it does
it sure keep you busy like mad.
you got to call and screw their ass to the max

so there, i had yet another frustrating day ahead.
hope tomorrow would be better
the wireless connection will be FINE!

i am so not sure whether i will be going out tomorrow.
dad has been nagging and all.


Monday, April 02, 2007
| for the love of many; 3:59 PM

it has been a fine monday for me.
with one or two good news.
the first good news is that my lappy is back with me
been living without my lappy for a couple of days.
had to use the desktop instead
and dads eyes were like
*why are you using the desktop?*
okay okay
i know its for those who do not own a lappy or a desktop
then can use.
i had no choice but to use lorhs.
so there
i hope aslam's one will not have any problem
when his arrived on wednesday.
and dude,lets find a day to get the carrier! (:

the second piece of good news is
my grandfather could be out tomorrow
double joy!!!
but doc say maybe nia
cause still need to keep him for observation
wa lauu!!
want to waste people money only!!
gonna go vist him later.

this shall be a short post
till then-

Your smile,I'm over it.-

And not seein' that lovin' you`
Is what I was tryin' to do`

Sunday, April 01, 2007
| for the love of many; 5:04 PM

now this is the book which i am anticipating for

the last book of the harry potter series is finally coming soon.

it will be out on the 21st of july

you know what?

i can hardly wait.

i dont have to purchase it.

because krfifth is going to buy for me


the reason being is that

she lost my lastbook when i have lent it to her

which was the last blood prince book.

so she is going get this one to compensate me.

man, im excited!

i was at the hospital till 11 plus last night

i dont understand why my grandfather was so pro active like an owl.

i mean old people would rather eat and sleep when they are in the hospital.

but he was suppose to sleep

and he did

but after 15 mins

he got up

and say he wana to go and hang the clothes.

hes like dreaming

but after falling back to sleep

he woke up 15 mins later again.

he said he wanted to wash the clothes.


cant be help for such things.

he is quite worried about the chores at home

and it was a habitual thing for him to do over the years.

that explains why.

i am going to visit him tonight again.

hope he is better now.


Welcome to in-lieu-of-this-song.blogspot.com


pcps, beatty sec, nanyang poly




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& i wish i could have YOU

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