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Friday, December 15, 2006
| for the love of many; 11:27 AM

OKAY people.
guess whose back?
back again.
LVIN's back, to whip your ass-es

i'm back from HONG KONG
i had problem adapting to the weather.
the weather was too cold
with degrees of 16-24
even i feel cold under sun
amzaing eh?

one thing you need to note.
HK stuff is NEVER cheap man
we had to succumbed to robbing the bank for extra cash

another day
too lazy to upload
besides, blogger always screws up the uploading of pictures

disney land was AWESOME!
though im no longer a kid,
still i enjoy myself.

thanks for all who tag.
keep on doing so, yeah?

im still waiting for my pay check
it seems like its delayed
hurry up la.
what are those people at i-shop doing?
shaking leg and idling their time away?

back to reality

Friday, December 08, 2006
| for the love of many; 4:12 PM

*jumps up and down

im so gonna be looking forward to the WEEKENDS
well, if you would have probably heard,
you would know, im going overseas.
to HK, i come!
man, im so excited.

to aslam:
HAPPY BDAE DUDE! ( in advance, DUH )
a thousand apologies for not been able to make it to ur party
have an enjoyable one ya?

now that MISS DAO is away
sadly, i miss her sooooo much
one things for sure,
she missing me too

i will be back for more
PICTURES, to be precise

away i go.


Thursday, December 07, 2006
| for the love of many; 11:59 PM

the house needs a clean up
and so, the man went to its rescue
who else would it be, but ME?

the day's been pleasant!
i cant wait to start packing for HK!
just 2 more days.

got a piece of sad news
hey gang! ( you know who you are la )
got the mail?
email i meant.

lets cross our fingers as we wait patiently for the buzz from jan, yeah?

and pls HULK_KIM,
WAKE UP!!!!!
dont pin high hopes on this
besides, you got john little and times bookshop to cover this.

time to head back to reading!

and to LADY BIRD :D
bon voyage!
enjoy urself, yeah?
( in which i doubt so, you would. for you would be missing yours truly. HEHE. )
you know what i mean.


Wednesday, December 06, 2006
| for the love of many; 1:21 PM

Paula Deanda - Walk Away

I'm gonna remember you
You're gonna remember me
I'm gonna remember you
You're gonna remember me
You gonna remember me boo
I'm gonna remember you too

I can't forget all the crazy shhh..
we used to do
You was doing to much
I wasn't doing enough
That's what your friends are saying
You got a man anyway
I can't explain it neither

I ain't never wanna leave ya
Hell ya its hard to walk away
when I see ya
When I see ya I remember the day
You put your shoes on and moved on
Before I could say

I saw you with your new girl just yesterday
And I feel that I must confess
Even though it kills me to have to say
I'll admit that I was impressed
Physically just short of perfection
Gotta commend you on your selection
Though I know I shouldn't be concerned
In the back of my mind
I can't help but question
Does she rub your feet
When you've had a long day
Scratch your scalp
When you take out your braids
Does she know that you like too
Play PS2 till 6 in the morning
Like I do

I can't explain this feeling
I think about it everyday
And even though we've moved on
It gets so hard to walk away
(I'm gonna remember you,You're gonna remember me)
Walk Away, Walk Away
(I'm gonna remember you,You're gonna remember me)

I can't forget how we used to be
Our life from day to day
Hoping maybe you'll come back
And though I tell myself not to be afraid
To move on but it seems I can't
But no other man has given me attention
It ain't the same as your affection
Though I know I should be contentIn the back of my mind
I can't help but question

Does he kiss me on the forehead
Before we playS
how up on my doorstep(with a bouquet)
Does he call me in the middle of the day
Just to say hey baby I love you
Like you used to

I can't explain this feeling
I think about it everyday
And even though we've moved on
It gets so hard to walk away
(I'm gonna remember you,You're gonna remember me)
Walk Away, Walk Away
(I'm gonna remember you,You're gonna remember me)

I'm Gonna Remember You
Your Gonna Remember Me
The things we did
The way we shared our fantasies
Just you and me

My friend, my love, my family
How did we loose a love that seemed meant to be
Sometimes I kiss her and wish that it was you I'm kissing
Sometimes I miss him and wish that it was you I'm missing
Sometimes I hug her and wish that it was you I was hugging
And I realize how much I'm bugging
I miss you

Walk Away, Walk Away
(I'm Gonna Remember You,Your Gonna Remember Me)
So hard to express this feeling
Cause nobody compares to you
And you know she'll never love you like I do
I can't explain this feeling
I think about it everyday
And even though we've moved on
It gets so hard to walk away
(I'm gonna remember you,You're gonna remember me)
Walk Away, Walk Away
Remember You
(I'm gonna remember you,You're gonna remember me)
(I'm gonna remember you,You're gonna remember me)

ARGH! been a busy day

to all FM ( FOOTBALL MANAGER) players,
i have decided to QUIT!

count down - 3 more days!

am so excited.
i cant wait to get down to HK

but, one thing is for sure,
im gonna miss you people back here on this sunny island

time to go.


Tuesday, December 05, 2006
| for the love of many; 11:46 PM

Music Videos And Lyrics On Demand

Y'all need to get ready to hear,the unbelieveable, indescribable
Vanessa Hudgens
Baby V
Baby come back

Everyday I try to play another game
But my heart can't take it
I try to find another boy
But all the while I can't face it
Baby come back

Why do I miss you so much?
I wanna stop to turn inside
oh baby please
give us one more try
Baby come back

I see you out with all your friends
Laughing it up as you pretend
to have a good time, I know cause I'm living the same life

I'm about to got to say
we can't keep living this same way
so I'll be the one

yeah I'll say it
I'll say it
I'll say it I'll say it again

Baby come back
Baby come back to me

in my heart I still believe
we were meant to be
together so whatever it takes

Baby come back
Baby come back to me
I should've never set you free
love maybe
come back

Baby come back

I wanna call, but then I stall
cause after all, I just couldn't take it
cause if your play was to push me away
you know the day, my heart you'd break it
Baby come back

I know we made a mistake
it's just like your foolish pride
Come back to me
Let us try, let us try, let us try again
Baby come back

Baby come back to me
in my heart I still believe
we were meant to be
together so whatever it takes
Baby come back

Baby come back to me
i should've never set you free
love maybecome back
Baby come back

You know you miss your Baby V
And I can see that you think about me
so why do you act like you don't care
like all this love between us isn't there
I know that you're upset
I know I did you wrong
I know that you want me to pay for all the pain i've caused
but in the end it all comes down to just one thing
it's you and me
so I sing

Baby come back

Baby come back to me
in my heart I still believewe were meant to be
together so whatever it takes
Baby come back to me

I should've never set you free
love maybe
come back
Baby come back

3 cheers for the babe i love!
isnt she cute?
anyone knows her contact number?
make sure you let me know

i'm like, oh-my-gosh-im-going-gaga-over-her
kinda mood



Monday, December 04, 2006
| for the love of many; 11:32 PM

guess what.
the time i woke up was too incredible to believe
i haven had a goooooood sleep since last night
i woke up this morning and didnt felt like getting up

am such a good boy today.
i stay at home the ENTIRE day just to help up with the household chores
i think my parents ought to give me some recognition


i would probably be going out tomorrow for an interview
so, at least i know i got a life

not like you-know-who

and yes,
wanna say sorry to ASLAM
for i would not be able to make it for his bdae celebration at sentosa
or perhaps somewhere i wasnt informed

i need ot change my links
and link MAYLWIN.
and not forgetting,

i'll probably do it the next time
ah, you know
jus PLAIN lazy

tell me about it.


outta here.

enjoy hols, you peeps out there

HK, i'm longing for you

countdown - 5 days

Sunday, December 03, 2006
| for the love of many; 1:32 AM

my last day at SITEX
i think im gonna miss working there

today was disappointing.
i made a TOTAL of 3 sales
however, i would like to take this opportunity to thank my buddies
namely, SIVA and ISA for aiding in the growth of my sales

i was so frustrated the entire day
since morning till evening,
i made no sales

practically talking to customers,
losing my voice soon

and most of them wanted a 2GB NANO
which was out of stock since sat
seems to be one HOT favourite.
maybe it is cheap
thats why

what a long day
time to settle for bed

see you.

Saturday, December 02, 2006
| for the love of many; 2:32 PM

on came SATURDAY!
manage to grab 6 sales
the gang and i kept comparing the number of sales we made
too bad SIVA wiped it all.
give me a chance la, the least

my mum and bro's out of town.
home seems to be quiet
felt so awkward

another long day tomorrow.


Friday, December 01, 2006
| for the love of many; 11:56 PM

what a day!
it was my second day at work
and i manage to clinched 5 deals
one more then the day before!

i'm one BRAVO person, aint i?

sure, work was tiring.
but its the company that matters
whats COINCIDENTAL was i bump into my uncle and aunty
and also,
my spiritual grandfather!

the world is such a small place, dont you think so?

if only i could bump into more people in the days to come

i'm off to watch some TV
need some entertainment
i don't trust youtube


Welcome to in-lieu-of-this-song.blogspot.com


pcps, beatty sec, nanyang poly




looking for a GIRLFRIEND

yearns to have an IPOD

goes gaga over EMMA WATSON

& i wish i could have YOU

nothing to prove, nothing to LOSE


Hui Hui
Phui Shan
Sam Koh
Lay Ying
Yue Ting
Shi Pei


September 2006

October 2006

November 2006

December 2006

January 2007

February 2007

March 2007

April 2007

May 2007

June 2007

July 2007

August 2007

September 2007

October 2007

November 2007

December 2007

January 2008

February 2008

March 2008

April 2008

May 2008

July 2008

August 2008

October 2008